

Comedy is particular funny in dry weather… When you are aching to burst out laughing at a funny part, you…… 1. suppress your laughter as best u can.2. moisten you lips so they won’t crack when you laugh3. start laughing about not being able to laugh.:) the joys of life. 🙂  

Sorry for the long absence.

Been a little busy with essays and last minute projects.. just a few more fotos…

New photos

There are some new photos up in my Flickr album (link on the right). I am using the free version of flickr, so i am limited to 3 sets and 200 photos at each time. I will be adding a new set every week or whenever i am free. Photos are arranged in sets for easy viewing. If u missed the older sets, some of their photos are still on the flickr acct (they just dont belong to any set, so just select the link to the last few pages of photos). 

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